Similarly, pretty low inhabitants growth coupled with low life expectancy and high incidence of disease has kept case study resolution labor supply in flux and avoided industries from flourishing. Rampant inflation and corruption also have thwarted development, but in case study resolution early 21st century case study solution basics of its financial system showed sudden benefit, best major credit rating businesses to upgrade Bolivia’s economic rating in 2010. The mining industry, especially case study answer extraction of herbal gas and zinc, currently dominates Bolivia’s export economic climate. Between 2006 and 2019 term of case study answer presidency of Evo Morales Ayma, GDP per capita quadrupled and case study solution excessive poverty rate declined from 38% to 18%. The poverty rate declined from 22. 23% in 2000 to 12. More than half a dozen major banks have either divested or are in case study answer procedure of divesting from case study solution private detention sector. JPMorgan Chase, case study solution international locations biggest bank, announced that it’d stop financing case study answer industry benefiting from immigrant detention in March, following similar moves by Wells Fargo and U. S. Bank. In June, just weeks after extending a line of credit to a massive private prison company, Bank of America became one of case study solution last big Wall Street banks to say it’d sever ties with case study solution industry. SunTrust, BNP Paribas and Fifth Third soon followed.