They asked case study solution medical doctors to imagine they’d cancer and to choose between six alternative “experimental” cures. These docs not only denied chemo selections, but they said they would not allow their members of the family to go through case study answer technique either!What does that say about their true opinion of this archaic method?These surveys are having a profound effect on case study solution common public opinion of chemo cures in most of Western society, particularly case study solution United States, which uses more than any nation in case study solution world. This loss of trust by medical doctors is spilling over to patients, and case study answer move in opposition t natural cures is increasing, much case study answer way it did in case study solution early 1900’s, before case study answer dawn of corrupt medicine, prescribed drugs, and radiation. An increased level of toxicity is in fact case study answer last thing any human being needs when combating infection, disorder, or pneumonia. Autoimmune disorders are mainly caused when humans ingest chemical compounds from food, ingesting water, vaccines infected with chemical compounds, artificial sweeteners and environmental pollution. Chemotherapy, like case study answer well-known Cis platinum, fills case study answer body with awful toxins, and doctors and scientists understand it, but as a result of case study solution FDA outlaws medical doctors from suggesting or prescribing nutrients, dietary supplements, herbs and super foods, chemical cure is still “advised.