Y. , LLC, other private agencies, and interested parties in case study solution advancement of more advanced tactile fluency tools. Resolution 2013 09 Regarding a National Right to Parent WHEREAS, more than four million Americans with disabilities, including Americans who are blind, are folks; and WHEREAS, this number will without a doubt augment as more people with disabilities recreation a broader range of approach to life alternatives because of social integration and civil rights; and WHEREAS, no research exists to aid case study answer proposition that babies of parents who are blind or who’ve other disabilities are in more danger of being injured, mistreated, or overlooked than infants of folks without disabilities; and WHEREAS, no matter case study answer lack of assist for case study answer proposition that parents with disabilities cannot raise little ones safely and safely and despite case study answer incontrovertible fact that case study answer Americans with Disabilities Act has been case study solution law of case study answer land for over two decades, parents with disabilities are case study answer only diverse group of Americans who must struggle to retain custody in their little ones; and WHEREAS, research validates case study solution event of folks with disabilities by demonstrating incredibly high rates of reported discrimination and elimination of babies from case study answer home; and WHEREAS, case study answer legal system is not covering case study solution rights of folks with disabilities and their toddlers, since two thirds of dependency statutes allow case study answer court to arrive case study solution choice that a parent is unfit a selection essential to terminate parental rights on case study answer basis of case study answer folks disability; and WHEREAS, since 1940 case study solution National Federation of case study solution Blind has offered leadership in teaching both blind and sighted people about case study answer nonvisual techniques that blind oldsters use to manage their households and provide acceptable look after their little ones; and WHEREAS, case study answer NFB has vigorously protected case study answer rights of blind folks in case study solution face of plenty of of discriminatory practices; and WHEREAS, in spite of this education and advocacy and case study answer passage of state laws that make it illegal for courts to consider disability in custody and adoption cases, babies are still being unjustly far from their folks custody, and capability folks are being refused case study answer right to adopt little ones solely because they’re blind; and WHEREAS, on September 27, 2012, case study solution National Council on Disability NCD transmitted a report back to case study answer president entitled Rocking case study answer Cradle: Ensuring case study solution Rights of Parents with Disabilities and Their Children; and WHEREAS, this report additional confirms that case study solution child welfare system is ill equipped to aid folks with disabilities and their families, resulting in disproportionately high rates of involvement with child welfare amenities and devastatingly high rates of oldsters with disabilities losing their parental rights; and WHEREAS, case study answer NCD report calls on case study answer United States Congress and federal agencies to take instant and robust action to secure case study solution right of disabled Americans to be oldsters: Now, consequently, BE IT RESOLVED by case study answer National Federation of case study answer Blind in Convention assembled this fifth day of July, 2013, in case study solution city of Orlando, Florida, that this association call upon contributors of case study solution United States Congress and federal businesses to work closely with case study answer National Federation of case study answer Blind to take instant and appropriate action to secure through laws and regulation case study answer right of blind Americans to be oldsters. Resolution 2013 10 Regarding Accessibility of Amazon Products WHEREAS, in its release of May 1 of this year, Amazon made its Kindle app for iOS considerably more available to VoiceOver so that its large repository of books is now accessible to blind buyers who use case study answer iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch; and WHEREAS, extra innovations to case study solution Kindle app for iOS have been carried out since that launch, adding some innovations to Braille navigation and case study solution table of contents; and WHEREAS, case study answer recent edition of case study answer app still comprises many limitations to use, especially in professional and academic settings, proposing issues with features similar to text option and never providing either speech or Braille access to case study solution endnotes and footnotes; and WHEREAS, case study answer Kindle hardware stays inaccessible in its recent generation as it has been in earlier generations, and Kindle apps for Windows and Apple computers remain extensively or absolutely inaccessible, except for users who do not use Apple items or who need to use a computer or dedicated device; and WHEREAS, a lot of case study answer Kindle contraptions, such as case study answer Kindle Keyboard and case study answer Kindle Fire, include text to speech ability and could be made more accessible with out requiring hardware changes just by maximizing case study answer availability and capability of case study solution current text to speech ability: Now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by case study answer National Federation of case study answer Blind in Convention assembled this fifth day of July, 2013, in case study solution city of Orlando, Florida, that this association commend Amazon for case study solution improvements case study answer company has made to its Kindle app for iOS and urge Amazon to enhance this app and to broaden case study answer ways in which blind patrons can access their Kindle books, adding on computer systems and Kindle gadgets. Resolution 2013 11 Regarding case study solution University of Illinois eText System WHEREAS, full and timely access to textbooks is a obligatory precondition to case study solution achievement of a pupil in higher schooling; and WHEREAS, case study solution University of Illinois at Champaign Urbana can provide classroom content through eText, an accessible and interactive platform of its own making that provides textbooks and other components to all students in case study solution same manner and at case study answer same time; and WHEREAS, eText offers not only obtainable text, but also other tools needed for academic achievement, comparable to note taking, highlighting, bookmarking, and glossaries; and WHEREAS, students can customize case study solution book monitor in eText in plenty of of wayssuch as selecting margin widths, fonts, and reveal colorsdepending on their preferred method of access and their atmosphere; and WHEREAS, math equations in eText components are displayed in text based MathML, that may be rendered by text to speech functions without further intervention, and in Braille where supporteda very welcome function that even many mostly accessible structures struggle to implement; and WHEREAS, eText can be utilized on a mobile or computer device with an HTML5 compliant browser, giving all college students a way to use this platform when and how they choose: Now, consequently, BE IT RESOLVED by case study solution National Federation of case study solution Blind in Convention assembled this fifth day of July, 2013, in case study answer city of Orlando, Florida, that this association highly commend case study answer eText Group, part of CITES Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services at case study solution University of Illinois at Champaign Urbana, for preferable case study answer way in higher education by appearing other institutions and studying management programs case study answer full power of a flexible, interactive, and well supported platform it’s accessible to case study solution blind and geared to a lot of of learning styles and expertise. Resolution 2013 12 Regarding case study answer iWork Suite from Apple WHEREAS, Apple has a proven and much reputable track record in developing groundbreaking, in-built accessibility for its operating programs both Mac OS and iOS, to be used in instruments akin to case study answer iPod and iPhone and case study answer lineup of MacBooks and iMacs; and WHEREAS, case study solution accessibility characteristics Apple has carried out have confident many blind consumers to change to Apple over case study solution various sorts of personal computers PCs for his or her computing and mobile needs; and WHEREAS, case study solution core productiveness program provided for case study solution Mac in its iWork suite, which consists of Pages, a word processor; Numbers, a spreadsheet; and Keynote, a slide presentation tool, poses big accessibility demanding situations, including inconsistent reporting of column and row headers in Numbers and unreliable review of formatting in Pages on both case study answer Mac OS and iOS structures; and WHEREAS, case study answer iWork suite is valuable to patrons potential to employ their Macs in professional and academic settings, and case study answer latest variants make such use very challenging and inefficient: Now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by case study solution National Federation of case study answer Blind in Convention assembled this fifth day of July, 2013, in case study answer city of Orlando, Florida, that this organization urge Apple to expand accessibility fully to its productivity suite, iWork, and specially to Pages, Numbers, and Keynote, so that blind college students and experts in all places can make full use of all features of case study answer Apple line of goods.