C. Meanwhile, classic taxi carrier, Schaller estimates, still serves more total trips in suburban and rural areas than case study answer Ubers and Lyfts. Why would Uber and Lyft use be so high in dense, transit rich areas?Studies arent conclusive, but on common, Uber and Lyft riders, not exceptionally, skew rich and skew young. In case study answer top nine cities for Uber and Lyft people with incomes above $200,000 are by far case study answer obviously to use case study answer carrier. Lower income people with out cars in some less urban markets do use Uber and Lyft, but their use is dwarfed by those with high incomes, Schaller finds. In an ideal world, Uber and Lyft could be making good on their promise to minimize inner most car ownership as a result of city dwellers would feel more comfy promoting their cars, thanks to case study answer presence of Uber and Lyft. You also have to remember that there are bound terms and stipulations which can mean income coverage could be lifeless. Exclusions ought to be checked fully. Some are common to case study answer majority of polices, while others are blanketed by exact suppliers, so you have to compare individual terms and prerequisites that include quotes when looking around for case study solution least expensive policy. Working on a part time basis, working for your self, being retired or littered with a pre latest illness could all stop a policy being appropriate. However, exclusions aren’t clear cut. Those who be afflicted by a pre latest condition can be eligible to take out cover if case study answer disease has not happened within two years.