In this case case study solution honorable court also said that it is usually believed in good faith that a question of professionalism will always be shown by appearing case study answer obligation of contract and for escaping case study answer liabilities by asking case study solution plea of Force Majeure in any negligent unprofessional action is not appropriate. Hence, following case study solution words case study answer court in this case held case study answer respondent liable for not delivering case study solution courier with case study answer clause of urgent printed above it on time and ordered case study solution same to compensate case study answer plaintiff. In case of Dharnrajmal Gobindram v. Shamji Kalidas case study solution honorable Supreme Court of India held that if case study answer clause of Force Majeure is not described then case study answer contract can be deemed void. In case study answer cases of torts and other civil cases Act of god and Force Majeure are used as a commonplace defense under inevitable injuries. This term Act of God is discussed and deemed as a defense for case study answer accusation of strict liability under case study answer case of Burnie Port Authority v General Jones Pty Ltd.