Article 10Under either of case study answer following circumstances, case study answer equipped authority may, ex officio or upon an program filed by an interested party, order case study solution dissolution of a corporation:1. Where case study solution agency fails to commence its business operation after elapse of six months from case study solution date of its company incorporation registration, unless it has made an extension registration; or 2. Where, after starting its business operation, case study answer agency has discontinued, at its own discretion, its company operation for a period over six months, unless it has made case study answer enterprise discontinuation registration. Article 11In case study solution event of an apparent issue in case study solution operation of an organization or extreme damage thereto, case study answer court may, upon an program from its shareholders and after having solicited case study answer reviews of case study answer in a position authority and case study solution relevant authority answerable for case study answer appropriate end businesses and having obtained a defence from case study answer agency, make a ruling for case study answer dissolution of case study solution agency. The dissolution application to be filed by case study answer company under case study answer previous Paragraph will be filed by shareholders who have been forever keeping greater than 10% of case study solution total number of astonishing shares issued by case study solution agency for a period over six months. Article 12In an organization, after its incorporation, fails to register any particular that need to have been registered or fails to check in any changes in particulars already registered, such particulars or adjustments in particulars cannot be set up as a defence against any third party.