Your nextstep is to choose a class on your ad. For this classifiedwe will choose Business Opportunities. You click that. Next it will show you a list of sub classes. You will clickon Work at Home. After choosing Work at Home as your sub category, you willchoose a second sub class. This was a rather complicated migration as case study answer new website was re designed and built from scratch on a new platform with an improved site taxonomy that covered new landing pages, an up to date URL structure, plenty of redirects to preserve link equity, plus a switchover from HTTP to HTTPS. In ordinary, introducing too many adjustments at case study answer same time can be tricky because if anything goes wrong, youll fight to determine what exactly is at fault. But at case study answer same time, leaving major changes for a later time isnt ideal either as it will require more materials. If you recognize what youre doing, making varied useful adjustments directly can be very competitively priced. Before stepping into case study solution nitty gritty of how to turn a posh site migration project into successful, its crucial to run through case study answer main site migration types in addition to clarify case study solution main causes so many site migrations fail. Very common in world SEO where a company makes a decision to maneuver a number of ccTLDs into subdomains or subfolders.